Category Archives: herbs

Cocktail of the Month: Rosemary Rosé Spritzer


Nothing says helllllllllllooooooooooo Friday like a refreshing adult beverage. What I like about this cocktail is just that-it feels so adult.  Nothing says, “I’ve come so far since college,” like herbs in your drink.

This spritzer is also a great summer cocktail. Perfect to enjoy while sunning yourself on the dock, for example. Puppies enjoy sunning themselves pretty much anywhere. In the yard, by the window in the kitchen, sittin’ on a dock on the bay…


  • 1/2  cup  sugar
  • 10  fresh rosemary sprigs
  • 2  bottles sparkling rosé (we used Yellow Tail)

In a small saucepan, combine sugar, rosemary, and ½ cup water and bring just to a simmer. Stir to dissolve the sugar then remove from heat and let cool.

Put about a tablespoons of the simple syrup in a tall skinny glass, top off with the sparkling rosé, and garnish with a sprig of rosemary left over from making the syrup.
Any extra simple syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.
Recipe adapted slightly from Real Simple.
Want more summery home-grown cocktailness? Check out these 10 garden grown cocktails from Camille Styles.